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LibreOffice for CERN CentOS 7 / Scientific Linux CERN 6

LibreOffice version 6.1

SLC6 and CC7 distributions include older version of LibreOffice (4.3 and 5.3) This document explains how to install latest stable version of LibreOffice on your system.


As root on your system run:

# yum install libreoffice-release
# yum groupinstall "LibreOffice 6"

Above commands will install default set of LibreOffice packages, additional packages can be installed individually by running:

# yum install packagename

to see the list of all available packages run:

# yum search libreoffice6 libobasis6

LibreOffice 6 is installed on the system in parallel to preexisting LibreOffice 4/5.


Select LibreOffice 6.1 from system Applications menu, Office submenu. Or start it from command line:

# libreoffice6.1