- OCCI client for gcc 3.2.3 now available (10g)
- Officially supported on RedHat Linux AS 3.0 & Suse Linux ES 8.0
- ‘Tried’ with LCG Conditions DB Application on RH7
- Oracle now has procedure in place to rebuild client libraries rapidly
- This is not a guarantee that it will happen automatically…
- Oracle 10g ‘Instant Client’ RPM kits – currently runtime only - will be extended to include ‘client developer’ kit
- Will be made available in EXPORT area in CERN /afs tree
- Also from OTN (not recommended)
- Extensive testing of 10g clients with 9i servers still to be done
- However, this is supported and not expected to be an issue
- CERN has revitalised its contacts with Oracle since ~1999
- New technical contact for CERN will start in June
- Regular ‘CERN-Oracle’ Summits: next foreseen for June/July
- Many features in Oracle 10g come from these interactions
- ULDB, native floats, silent install improvements, …
- We will continue to stress the need for timely adoption of new compilers
- IT-DB does not provide support for e.g. Tora, perl-DBD-Oracle
- This does not mean that these tools cannot, or are not (be) used